Los Gatos High School Athletics

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Conflict Resolu.on

In the event that a conflict or concern regarding a student-athlete’s

par6cipa6on arises, athletes and parents are encouraged to deal with

these issues in a 6mely manner. The following series of steps is


First Step: The student-athlete should approach the coach to set

up a convenient 6me to discuss the problem. Helping athletes

learn to advocate for themselves and to communicate effec6vely

with adults is an important part of the matura6on process.

Second Step: If the athlete is not sa6sfied with the outcome of the

mee6ng with the coach, the parent of the athlete should ask to

meet with the coach to help find a solu6on or come to a mutual


Third Step: If the first two steps do not resolve the issue, the

athlete and/or parent may request to meet with the Athle6c

Director. The Athle6c Director will aJempt to facilitate a posi6ve

outcome (this may involve a mee6ng among involved par6es).

Fourth Step: AMer the first three steps have been taken and the

issue is not resolved, the athlete and/or parent may approach

Assistant Principal Kris6 Grasty for assistance.

While not all issues can be resolved with a mutually agreeable solu6on,

it is hoped that students, parents, and coaches will feel supported by an

administra6ve team that will listen to and consider their concerns.

Please note that issues regarding playing 6me and coaching strategy are

not typically appropriate issues for discussion between parents and

coaches. Coaches are entrusted to make these decisions in the best

interest of their teams, and parental influence is oMen unfair to other

students and the team in general. While legi6mate disagreement in this

area may exist, the coach’s decision on these maJers is considered final.