Los Gatos High School Athletics

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  • Online athletic registration is mandatory and all athletes must be cleared online by the Athletic Director or Ms. Franklin before they can practice with their team. The Athletic Office is located in House #3. The office is  open from 8:30am-3:00pm up to June 28th. We are closed for the month of July. Starting Tuesday July 30th we will be open again if you need assistance with registration or clearance.
  • As part of the online registration process, athletes must submit a signed Physician Physical Evaluation form. Without the Physical form, your registration is incomplete and you will not be cleared to practice with your team starting August 9th (August 5th for Football)
  • !!!New for 2024!!! – All athletes must also get a heart screening. The sign up for an appointment go to
  • You can download a copy of the Physician form Here
  • The online registration process takes about 20 minutes. Have your student’s  personal information, your physical from signed by a physician, and a copy of your health insurance card ready to upload when you register
  • If you do not have your Physical form ready when you start your registration, do not create a new account when you go back to upload your form. See #5 below.
  • After you complete your online registration, it is normal for the summary screen to show all the information as complete and the online clearance as ‘uncleared.’ Only the Athletic Director or Ms. Franklin in House #3 can clear athletes.
  • Once you have completed your online registration and uploaded a completed physical form your account will be cleared online by the Athletic Director or Ms. Franklin. It may take several days to receive your confirmation email that your student has been cleared.



  1. Go to:  If you are a returning athlete, please use last year’s login. If you are a new LG athlete, please create a new account.
  2. Once logged in, click on “Start Clearance Here.” in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Type in “Los Gatos” in the text field for School. Select School Year (2024-2025), and the sport or sports you want to register for.
  4. If you are a returning athlete, your name should appear on the drop down in the “Choose Existing Student” Field

Complete all required fields for Student Information, Medical History and Signature Forms

If you do not have your physical form completed and ready to upload, you can still continue to navigate your way through the registration process, but your athlete will not be ‘cleared to practice or play’ until you upload your Physician form or turn the hard copy in to the Athletic Director or Athletic Trainer.

  1. If you need to return to the site later to upload the Physician Form, AFTER YOU LOG BACK IN click on the “Search” button to see all of your current registrations.  Click the Files Icon to go directly to the page where you upload the physical.